



FEBRUARY 2009 Newsletter
Project : Europe 1914-1918 CROSSING VIEWS on WWI




As mentioned in our previous newsletter, the progress report has been approved by the Commission. It will be possible to consult it in its English version on our site. Moreover, it will be presented and commented during our next steering committee in Lille.
The global evaluation is rather good, but some points need to be reconsidered. The Commission has perceived the variable-geometry involvement of the partnership.



The new version of the site will be available on line by the end of this month at the latest. From this date on, the teachers having taken part into the project will have to evaluate it. As for the steering committee, you are requested to have a look at it on the site, in order to prepare some possible comments to improve its content and presentation.

Obviously, you can still send us new contributions; especially as regards AXIS 3 and 4 (contemporary documents, memory sites, museums…) and the resources part (bibliography, Internet sites, filmography…). These contributions will be taken into account in the training module. In this case, you will have to precise where to place them by using the grid that was adopted in VIENNA. Our site needs to be enriched.

We enter now the 4th stage of the project: MARCH 2009 to AUGUST 2009.The module adaptation and finalizing based on the results of the experimentation. The product finalization on different media: Internet website and DVD.
As you have probably noticed, our work has fallen behind schedule, and during MARCH and APRIL 2009, the training module has to be experimented and evaluated by target groups such as schools and teachers, so as to finalize it by MAY and JUNE 2009.

Our last steering committee that will be held in Peronne (France) at the “Historial de la Grande Guerre”, September 18th/19th 2009 will consist in presenting the achieved module and a last finalizing of the financial aspects concerning the final report that will have to be sent to the Commission by September 30th.

STEERING COMMITTEE, LILLE -  IFP  6th and 7th March 2009
In order to provide you with the accommodation, it is urgent for some of our partners to precise their reservations for the hotel. The final deadline is February 25th. Beyond this deadline, we will not be able to ensure any room.
The Hotel is the ISPIS OPERA which is located about 700 metres from the 2 stations (Lille Flandres or Lille Europe). You will find all the information on the hotel  by clicking on the following link :
To reach the IFP: please see the map at the end of the newsletter


For your information
The hotel prices :
From Thursday 5th to Friday 6th night : 94 Euros (inclusive of all taxes)
You will have to add the tourist tax: 0, 66 euros and 8 euros per person for breakfast.
From Friday 6th to Saturday 7the, and from Saturday 7th to Sunday 8th: 65 euros to which you will have to add the tourist tax: 0,66 euros and 8 euros per person for breakfast.




Friday 7th March


9H00 – 9H15


9H15 – 9H45

Progress report results presentation and comments.

9H45 – 10H00

Presentation of the new site.

10H00 – 10H45

The partners’ comments on the site.

10H45 – 11H00


11H00 – 11H30

Training module experimentation

11H30 – 12H15

Financial aspects reminder

12H15 – 14H00


14H00 – 19H00

Visit of « Flanders Field »Museum. Presentation of museology focused on the “Crossing View” theme. Departure for the museum « In Flanders Field ».

Around 19H30

Lunch  in a restaurant - Lille downtown



Saturday  8 mars


9H00 – 9H15


9H15 – 9H45

Languages issue of the site – Translation ?

9H45 – 10H30

Prospects  : tasks distribution and deadlines

10H30 – 10H45


10H45 – 12H30

Work groups on different questions

12H30 – 14H00


14H00 – 15H00

Presentation of the work that has been done

15H00 – 15H30

Steering committee appraisal



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