As already mentioned in the previous newsletter, we are now in the 3 rd stage of the project:
“Experimentation and assessment of the module towards the target groups in the countries partners (From October 2008 to February 2009)”.
The website is to evolve very soon.  (see the following points).
Thus, to make it possible, you shall send us, as soon as possible, the table that takes up the training module framework, integrating and classifying in it your contribution as it was explained in Vienna.
An assessment form on the experimentation will be suggested to you via December Newsletter.
It is an imperative that the setting up of the training module and its experimentation shall be finished off by the end of February 2009, before starting the 4th stage: “adaptation and final adjustement of the module on the the basis of the experimentation results, and finalization of the product on these different elements”.
If you have any difficulty in completing this table, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We will send you tables that are partly or totally completed as examples.

Moreover, we would be grateful if you could send us further contributions. It is still possible to add museum – resource forms or any other documents.
Both the website and the training module must be enriched until JUNE 2009.


2- The website development.

As planned, this site is going to develop: INFOREF is working on it, and a new version will be available by mid-December 2008.
A first homepage will display the project logo, legal information (European Commission) and thumbails giving the possibility to choose the tongues: French – English – German – Romanian – Italian – Polish.
Once clicking on the chosen tongue, a second homepage will open according to the following model:






Consequences Bibliography

Working Axis



(the project summary from the text on the leaflet (folder))


last update
Number of  connections :


Pupil survey











Furthermore, we need your help to translate this homepage. Thanks to send us this translation as soon as possible, the English one will be done by the IFP.

It is not necessary to translate the summary of the project that is an extract of the leaflet (folder), which has already been translated into each partner’s language


3 –Pupil questionnaire (survey).

The questionnaire has been available in each partner’s language, for more than a month.
Its “direction for use” was explained in the previous newsletter.
Several Belgian and French classes have already answered this questionnaire: their results are available on the website.
We are waiting for the other schools’contributions from other countries by the end of this year if possible.

Once again, if you need further information about this point, please don’t hesitate to contact us (while waiting for the forum launching on the website).