• 1- TRAINING MODULE   (tool box)

    We are entering the second year of the project, now. The first stage (research and gathering of pedagogical material, curricula and handbooks comparison – pedagogical practice, lesson plans, survey of memory elements) – and the second stage : the construction of the training module) are now finished.
    We are entering the third stage now,  which runs  from October 2008 to February 2009 : the training module experimentation and assessment towards the target groups in the country partners.
    The framework of this training module proposed by the technical committee (cf September 2008 newsletter) has been completed during the steering committee in Vienna. You will find attached  its final version that will be put on line as soon as possible and shall be translated into each partner’s language.

    Each partner is required to complete this grid by the end of October 2008, by adding and classifying its different national contributions as mentioned in Vienna, and to sent it so as to enable us to synthetize and start the experimentaton.

    You can  still send us your contributions : forms about museums, sites…that will complete both our site until June 2009 and the training module.


    2- The site evolution and development

    The display  of the site is to change very soon. It will be based on 5 elements :

    1. The training module
    2. The work axes
    3. The pupils questionnaire (survey)
    4. The dissemination
    5. The forum exchange


    You will be sent a e-mail that will warn you that the modification is done. Thus, you will have to translate into your own language this new display.
    A meter that will count the number of connections and a thumbnail displaying the last update will be added too


    3- the pupils survey

    The questionnaire is available on line in every partner language. Thus, you can start to carry out the survey. Yet, we advise you to try the questionnaire yourselves before submitting it to the pupils.


    1. The pupils shall be submitted to this questionnaire before starting the lesson on the First World War           
    2. All the pupils shall complete the questionnaire simultaneously.
    3. If your pupils complete the questionnaire on line, the treating of the results will be done automatically and  you can get access to them directly.
    4. In order to avoid any problems, the access to the questionnaire  is protected by the user’s name and the password you have already been given . Please, your are requested not to divulge them to the pupils.
    5. We invite you to consult the results of the classes that have participated to the survey. The given pieces of information are numerous and will require careful analysis.



    4- The progress report

    The progress report has been sent to the commission in September 30th. All the documents were sent to us before the deadline, or sometimes  at the last minute…
    You will receive the EXCEL tables very soon, the same ones  that were sent to the commission. We had to make some alterations, and we will contact you for other modifications, additional information or proof payments if necessary. These tables shall be completed afterwards.

    Iconographic – Contemporary (historical) or today documents

    Contemporary or today texts

    Other material traces (monuments – cemeteries – battle sites) using / exploiting avenues



    • political
    • military
    • psychological
    • démographical
    • economic


    • war launching
    • battles/offensives
    • year 1917
    • the extension of the conflict
    • The war goals/pacifists movements
    • The end of the war
    • The Neutral nations’ position or views

    - living conditions and the  fight at the front

    • - human resources mobilization at the front and at the back
    • colonies’mobilization
    • economic resources
    • the new weapons 
    • the new war objectives and war forms
    • propaganda – the views on the “other
    • occupation,  resistance and  collaboration, «the forgotten» (prisoners, refugees, deportees, shot people, etc.)
    • ideologies, religions
    • Neutral nations’views


    • Peace treaties
    • Territorial changes in Europe
    • Territorial changes outside Europe and in the Colonies
    • Demographic consequences
    • Social consequences (the role of women/veterans)
    • Economic consequences  (debt of the nations)
    • The consequences on the national political lives of the nations
    • Medium-term consequences on the European states development and their international relationship.
    • Mentalities (héroïsm/nationalism)
    • Traces and memory elements