The memory and collective representations of war (sites – cemeteries – war memorial, commemorative plates or monuments, ceremonies, films, comics trips, post cards – TV programmes, soundtracks, books and litterature devoted to the conflict,etc).
The memory elements are numerous. How to integrate them in the lesson and how to illustrate pupils’ representations (what does WWI mean for a secondary school pupil at the beginning of the 21st century?). Thus, in order to illustrate these representations, the pupils whose teachers are taking part in the project, will have to answer a questionnaire. This questionnaire will both deal with their factual knowledge (before broaching the lesson on the topic) but also with their own representation of war and what they know about the conflict “traces”: monuments, plates, cemeteries, museums, sites, films, etc.).
In any case, the exchange of practices and concrete experiences, and their comparative analysis will be favoured, which will enable to go beyond the national aspect of teaching in order to reach a history on « Europe in war » taking into account all the aspects of he conflicts and the position of each country. |