



Newsletter may 2008

1914-1918 : Crossing views on the First World War

AXIS 1 :

During the steering committee in Szczecin, it was decided that a comparative anylisis grid would be suggested in order to exploit the data collected to emphasize the common points and the differences between the partners countries.

● The grid components were reminded in the steering committee report :
here they are for the record :

  • Does each country broach the WW1 topic ?
  • If so, when is it broached during the school year ?
  • What is the importance given to this topic, in handbooks and curricula ?
  • Do the curricula set some particular points or are the teachers free to choose the points they broach ?
  • In case the contents is imposed, are there any points to be focused on ? (events – causes – consequences…)
  • Is the stress put on the involvement of the country in that war N
  • Other remarks.


*As agreed, we are waiting for the draft of the grid that should be drawn up by PIXEL.


AXIS 2 :


The forms coming from the different schools involved in the project shall be sent to us by the end of May.

Again, for the record, do not forget to tell the teachers that each form has to come with a “contact form”.

As soon as we get all the forms, we will be able to make up the “toolbox” that will be composed of 4 parts :

  • the war causes
  • the key events
  • the total war at the front and at the back
  • the peace treaties and their consequences

The “toolbox”will remain “open” throughout the course of the project, and we invite you to add some other documents.


AXIS 3 :

We ask each partner to send us as soon as possible the museums or the sites that will be the subject of an analysis.

The forms shall be sent by the end of June.


AXIS 4 :

 Pupils questionnaire/survey.

The common part of the questionnaire was suggested and accepted during the steering committee.

The partner will undertake to translate the questionnaire into their own language in order to submit it to the pupils.

The partners who have not yet composed the national questions should do them  as soon as possible (5 questions to write based on the model accepted  in Szczecin, dealing with the 5 following points : dates – characters – places/events/particular points – war at the back), by the end of May.

The complete questionnaire will be available on line at the beginning of June.

The survey will be done in classes between September 1STand October 15th.


The memory elements :

The partners are free to choose the points they want to broach. 

The partners are invited to sent their choice as soon as possible.
   3 topics are considered by our Belgian partners : cemeteries  -  war memorials – the use of postcards and comic strips.
As for our Swiss partners, they will work on the view of the conflict through postcards. Obviously, other partners can broach these same topics, that will enable us to “cross the different views”.

Your contribution will be put on line on the website and add to the “toolbox”.

It would b every  helpful and useful to get some of the contributions by the start of the new school year in order to use them for the experimentation stage of the module that should be done during the second year of the project.

RESOURCES  : Bibliography and Internet websites.


The forms concerning  the books/CD-Rom and the Internet websites were accepted during the committee and are now available on the site.

The perusal of the collected  resources and the analysis of books shall start from now on  so that these resources can be submitted to the teachers for the module of the experimentation stage. Several forms are already on line.



As it was said during the steering committee and mentioned in the report, a first financial statement of accounts will have to be done by the end of JUNE.
The forms shall be completed with the copies of the receipts and proof payments and sent via the e-mail to :


By mail to the following address :

         For the attention of Frederic Rousselle
         236 rue du Faubourg de Roubaix
         59041 LILLE CEDEX



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